Choice, such a simple yet a powerful word. I once read somewhere that you always have the power to choose no matter what your situation is. And over time I have come to understand that if you feel you have a choice you feel incredibly empowered and it can make all the difference in your actions and eventually life. Choices can vary, from being as simple as what to eat for my next meal to being as important and complicated as deciding which field do I build my career in. We make choices every day in our lives over and over again. Just imagine if someone told you that you have the power to solve some of the most critical and urgent issues facing mankind and fix the most horrible lifestyle related health issues all at once, all you have to do to make that happen is to make a choice.
Well, this powerful choice that I want to present to you today is your choice of what you have on your plate. Are you surprised, I was too until I got to view lectures by an amazing animal rights activist Gary Yourofsky and an award-winning documentary "Cowspiracy". But what you eat matters so much that if you choose the vegan/ vegetarian options over the nonvegetarians options you are doing not only yourself but the entire humanity and planet earth a huge favor and along with that you also get a chance to participate first hand in the attempts to save our planet. If you are wondering how , please be my audience.
First and foremost I would like to explain how turning Vegan enormously benefit your health. Some of the most nutrient dense food available on the planet is plant based food. Plant based diet is not only extremely nutritious but also the most nurturing one. It is the diet which promises a long hale and healthy life to us, humans. Switching to a vegan diet alone can not only reverse the signs of aging but also reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and strokes. Animal products are responsible more for causing diabetes than sugar itself. Additionally, we can cut out all the extra cholesterol is only found in animal-based foods. A vegan diet contains zero cholesterol. Not to mention the additional antibiotics, hormones, and Human bodies are not designed to digest the animal proteins. In fact, red meat, and processed meat eaters died prematurely more frequently than other people. Studies have also shown that plant-based diets either minimize or completely eliminate people's genetic propensity to developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Animal products are extremely acidic and anybody with even a basic understanding of health and wellbeing knows the importance of keeping our bodies alkaline. Eating a plant-strong diet is the best way to do that . I can go on and on but I think you get the point. If you want to know more about this , I would recommend watching the talks given by Dr. Michel Greger , where he explains how easy it is to take care of our health and what you need to do in order to preserve it.
But not just from the health perspective ,eating a vegan diet is really easy to afford too. You can save some big bucks by choosing vegetarian options. Animal products can never compete with the cheap fruits and vegetables easily available. Additionally we save a ton on the health care bills. A total win win situation
But not just from the health perspective ,eating a vegan diet is really easy to afford too. You can save some big bucks by choosing vegetarian options. Animal products can never compete with the cheap fruits and vegetables easily available. Additionally we save a ton on the health care bills. A total win win situation
However, if you do not really care about your own health may be you care about the animals. These innocent being who have never wronged us but are subjected to extreme pain and suffering just so they could be served on your plate. They are raped, murdered and exploited every single day. The industrials farmed agriculture are nothing but slaughterhouses for these innocent creatures. When we consume meat the compassion with us dies a slow death. The animals are subjected to abuse every second by the cruel practices of debeaking , dehorning , molting , beheading, electrocuting and the third degree burns inflicted to the animals. It is beyond any normal person could even bare to be around without being traumatized. However just because of our habit of convenience, we keep paying those who do this heinous crime for us. Again it is a matter of choice, we can choose to turn a blind eye on the sufferings of these innocent creatures or we can choose to eliminate the demand for animal products thus not only putting an end to the misery they have to go through every day and also lead a much more compassionate life. Making this switch can also clear up blockages in your energy body.
Well, you still don’t think that your choices are important, you might be surprised to know that your choice can determine the future of this planet. Just by choosing vegan / vegetarian diet we can restore the health of our planet. The biggest crises facing our generation is the scarcity of water and global warming due to the emission of greenhouse gases. Cutting down on your meat consumption can lead to the saving of the millions of litres of water used to produce meat, cutting down on air pollution and precious land resources and cut down the tons of agricultural waste. We can even end world hunger by feeding the people instead of the animals. So if our choices directly affect the very place we dwell shouldn’t we choose more responsible. It is estimated that animal agriculture contributes to close to 18% of the greenhouse gas emission which exceeds the total emission by the entire exhaust transportation. Animal agriculture water consumption ranges from 34-76 trillion gallons annually. Livestock or livestock feed occupies 1/3 of the earth’s ice-free land. Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones around the world in our oceans . These are few of the very shocking statistics to start realising the impact of our choices.
You might find it hard to believe what I just told you but it is true. It is just a matter of choice that we make in our everyday lives that when multiplied by the billion people across the globe has a massive impact. The power is in our hands unless we “choose” to turn a blind eye on these critical issues and “choose” to blame your society and feel trapped or helpless.
I finally want to conclude that no matter who you are, no matter where you live if you really just make the right choice every single one of us will benefit from it. We can recover our health, prevent the abuse and exploitation of the animals, live the most compassionate lifestyle, help save the planet from an extreme crisis like water scarcity, global warming and also world hunger, otherwise, karma is here to take care of these things for us. We can the results of the actions on our environment already. The time is ticking and we do have a huge margin to keep on ignoring the consequences of our actions. However, we still have a choice .We can choose the path where each one of us benefits by start making the right choices or we can choose to turn a blind eye, and live the life of denial and disregard to what is happening around us and to go back living our lives of comfort which is wreaking havoc on our planet. Do not wait for the society to catch up because many times society will deny that the problem is grave or it will give excuses as to why the change is not easy but eventually we will have to face the grave consequences of our actions as a species. I hope you understand the power that is vested in you by virtue of choice.
From a responsible citizen of Planet Earth
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